
Chiral POF

Helically Twisted Polymer Optical Fibres for

High Capacity Short Range Communications and

Wearable Flexible Smart Sensors


Fabrication of CFG in POFs

Modelling and improve the theoretical understanding of CFGs in POFs of different types, geometries and materials and
Implementation of a state of the art CFG fabrication system for POF.

POF-CFGs for short range communications

Development of innovative POF based CFG devices for low-cost passive all-optical processing using all-POF based technology.

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POF-CFG for biomedical applications

Design and development of new wearable POF sensors based on CFGs, for the monitoring of human joints, either by stitching the fibre onto clothes or by embedding the fibres in 3D printed flexible skins.

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Project Funding

This work is funded by FCT/MEC through national funds under the project PTDC/EEI-TEL/1511/2020


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